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총 게시물 354건, 최근 0 건
My experience with Shinsoktang
글쓴이 : Alice 날짜 : 2009-06-08 (월) 14:28 조회 : 1918

Hi ~~
I live in Anaheim CA, I was introduced to "Shinsok" by my Korean friend.
I lost 35pounds in two months.

I am in my 40s. I have three children and I used to weigh 190lb. Like all women, after I had my third child I just gave up staying in shape. I rarely had time to exercise and my appetite grew as more stress added on.

Since last year, I started having headache, back pain and even some numbness. I felt heavy and depressed most of the time. I knew I should do something about it.

I met with old firend and I noticed she lost weight and her skin tone looked very healthy. She told me she has been taking Shinsok for about 30days. She told me how the medicine helped her control her appetite and while on her diet she didnt feel weak at all.

I was reluctant at first, because I have never tried the herbal medicine before. But with my firend, we went to visit Beautywoman clinic in Fullerton and met with Dr. Kim for consultation.
Dr. Kim gave thorough instruction and assured me to keep up with the "Shinsok" diet program for two months as directed.

Taking the medicine was hard at first, but as days went by I got used to the taste and I was surprised by the effect it had on me. I never thought I would be able to lose this much weight. I lost 25lb in a month and lost 10 more pounds during 2nd month.
I dont want to gain my weight back, so I will be taking one pack of Shinsok each day for at least 6months.

I have to thank Dr Kim and Beautywoman clinic for the awesome diet program!

김의원 2009-06-09 (화) 00:01
안녕하세요  alice님.
이 분은 한글 모르니까, 다른 방문하시는 분들을 위해 몇 마디 적습니다.
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alice님께서 치료후기 적어와서 무조건 올려달래요. 자기 사진 before & after 올려도 된다고 하면서. 눈도 가릴 필요없데요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

지금은 무료로 신장결석 치료해주고 있습니다.
제가 다이어트 성공하면 신장결석 무료로 치료해 주겠다고 했거던요. 잘 되야 하는데!!!

이분은 치료받으러 올 때가 제일 기분이 좋데요.

alice님 치료후기 감사드립니다. 많은 힘이 됩니다.