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총 게시물 354건, 최근 0 건
Diet is working!
글쓴이 : Cathy 날짜 : 2010-05-06 (목) 21:35 조회 : 3931
Hello Dr. Kim,
I actually started the diet hanyak about two weeks ago, because I had too busy until middle of April so I did not even bother to try the first three weeks.  So when I started, my weight was close to 140 pounds (139.5 exactly) two weeks ago.  Since I started the hanyak and controlling eating at night, I lost 6 pounds, so I am at about 133-134 right now.  I also had my period two weeks ago, so I think that slowed down the weight loss.  I did not really lose weight the first week, and only started losing weight the second week (last week I lost about 4 pounds).  I had not been under 133 for about a year, so I am losing the weight.  :)  Hopefully by the end of next week I will be under 130. 
My realistic goal is to be 120 by August so I have about three months to lose 13-14 pounds, which I think I can do.
Thank you. :)